It seems Aldi (Australia) has quietly strengthened their commitment to GM-Free foods.

They previously stated that “ALDI does not stock any products which are labelled as containing GM ingredients.” to (now) “ALDI Australia requires that our suppliers not supply food that is genetically modified nor use genetically modified ingredients and processing aids.” [Source: ]

Given the fairly vague food-labelling standards which could allow genetically modified (e.g. genetically modified soy and canola oil) to be quietly slipped into the food chain, their stated auditing and quality-control standards would seem to indicate they’ve strenthened their committment to ensuring GM-Free foods.

IGA state “Metcash/IGA are pleased to advise that it is a requirement in our supplier agreement that no GM ingredients be used in our corporate branded products, such as IGA Signature and Black & Gold brands, including food additives, processing aids and enzymes. In recognition of this, Greenpeace Australia have awarded IGA brands a “green” rating in their True Food Guide. You can review the guide at”  [Source:]

Woolworths, at least in their home brand state that “Woolworths own brand products do not use genetically modified (GM) ingredients.” [Source: ]

As for Coles, a search of their website using the term “genetically” returns “Sorry, we could not find any results” suggesting they do not have a publicly-stated policy on providing GM-Free foods.

For those seeking to buy GM-Free foods (in Bathurst), our guidelines for consideration are:

Bathurst Wholefood Coop., and the Bathurst Farmers’ Market supply produce from local growers (i.e. low food-miles, plus supporting the local community).

Suppliers to Aldi, according to some media articls, report reasonable dealings with Aldi (they pay on time, etc).

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