One of the best ways you can help us achieve our objectives and support our events is to join as a member. We have child, student & unwaged Adult membership $5, Individuals membership $20, No-for-profit Organisations $50, Business Membership $200.
There's power in local people advocating for local services. It's vital you talk to businesses & authorities where you live about the improvements you want to see in the community.
Save Water
Saving water is a sure way of reducing your carbon footprint. Our cities require a lot of energy to heat our public pools, pump and filter our water and treat our waste water. By reducing your water use you can save on the energy needed to get water to your tap.
Buy Local Produce
By buying locally sourced and locally grown food you are supporting farmers and growers in your immediate area. Choosing to buy from independent and family owned food sellers means you are reducing food miles (the distance food has travelled) and powering the central west economy.
Buy Less
By using items you already own, borrowing occasionally from a friend or buying second hand you can greatly reduce your carbon footprint (amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by an individual). Should you need to buy new items buying from local shops is a great way to support the regional economy. Ideally these products are of high quality and made under fair working conditions.
Drive less
If you live in an urban area making the most of cycle, walking paths and available public transport is the ideal place to start when choosing an alternative to driving a car. We encourage you to find your closest bus stop and use this link to discover the bus route that goes past your bus stop and you may be surprised how often you can get into town. Planning your week to minimise unnecessary car trips is something everyone can do immediately.
Bathurst Bus TimetablesRail Timetables
Councils and governments often offer rebates that can help you upgrade household items to increase the efficiency of your household such as discounts on white goods, for efficient lighting and reducing exit fees for changing energy providers. Bathurst Regional Council offers links to some of these sites.
Get Clean Energy
Clean energy is renewable such as solar panels which reduce the load on the grid system. Advocating for these sources of energy or adopting them yourself is a way to reduce your dependence on carbon based energy. Ask your energy retailer if they have an renewable energy option.
Divest Fossil Fuels
Divestment is the process of moving your money out your bank, superannuation or home loan if they are connected to investing in fossil fuels, instead choosing banks and superannuation funds that choose not to invest in fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are one of the main sources of carbon dioxide entering our atmosphere causing climate change. If you do move to an ethical bank or super fund don’t forget to tell your old one why you left.
Write to Your Politicians
Write to local, state and federal members and politicians, telling them how you feel about local and global issues. BCCAN can assist with templates and contacts of any level of government you want to contact and share your concerns with.
Volunteer at community markets and help inform others of how serious our current climate situation is, assist with petitions, recruit members and to ensure we are present in the community. The Bathurst Farmers Markets are held on the 4th Saturday of each month from 07:00 – 12:00.