Energy APT and Building APT combined meeting

Venue: CSU Allen house (N1) staff room. Agenda a.       Building and Urban Planning. Report on meeting with David Shaw   b.      b.  Energy APT   Pyrolosis  in the Central West. Visit to Pacific Pyrolosis.  Proposals for group purchases. i)                    Solamate  ii)                   Solarchoice      NSW review of feed-in tariff.    Any…

Newcastle Harbour – Rising Tide Coal Blockade

If coal is part of the problem… Sunday 28th March 10am onwards Horseshoe Beach Newcastle, Australia. Join hundreds of other people in a fun, peaceful, and effective action against Australia’s single biggest contribution to climate change.   Join in on the water or the shore BYO vessel, or use one of ours Or…make your…

Carbon Farming Workshop-Young

Contact: Carbon Farmers of Australia  ACN: 127 011 134  “Uamby” Via GOOLMA NSW 2852 Tel. (02) 6374 0329  FAX. (02) 6374 0354                                                                             Email:   MIchael Kiely Convenor Carbon Coalition Against Global Warming

Flyers Creek Wind Farm recommended for Approval

MEDIA RELEASE RELEASED BY CENREC – 27/11/13 Central NSW Renewable Energy Cooperative (CENREC) today welcomed the recommendation by the NSW Planning Department for approval of the Flyers Creek Windfarm. The Department of Planning has recommended that the project be approved stating that it “is satisfied that the project can achieve acceptable amenity, health and environmental…