The Energy Buildings APT meets next Tuesday week in  Common Room (1.50) Allen House CSU (1431) at 5pm.
Ian will be chairing the meeting as I will be away.
The main agenda item will be preparing BCCAN’s submission to the Enquiry into the RET. I have attached the submission presented by ECCO and the minutes from last month’s meeting. Information about the submission requirements are included below.  You may get a chance to discuss the submission informally at next Saturday’s Farmer’s Market prior to the May meeting.
Bob Hill, Secretary BCCAN

Call for Submissions for the Review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET)

The Expert Panel conducting the Review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) has called for submissions on issues relevant to the review. A short paper to assist the preparation of submissions can be found here.

Submissions can be lodged here.   

This Call for Submissions closes on Friday 16 May 2014.

The Panel is also seeking feedback on the assumptions consultation paper (at Attachment B of the Call for Submissions paper). The Panel requests comments on the assumptions consultation paper by Thursday 17 April 2014.

The Panel will also convene a workshop in Sydney on Wednesday 23 April 2014 to discuss the key modelling assumptions with interested parties prior to them being finalised. Places will be limited, so parties wishing to participate should register their interest by emailing by close of business on Friday 11 April 2014.

As directed in its Terms of Reference, the Panel will undertake public consultations before providing a report to the Government in mid-2014. Further details of the consultation process will be released shortly.

The Call for Submissions paper, the online form for lodging submissions and/or comments on key modelling assumptions, and other details on the submission process are available here.