BCCAN has produced a 3-fold pamphlet explaining some of the benefits of the Renewable Energy Target.
Please download, print and distribute in the Orange/Bathurst region.
As per the front of the pamphlet:
The RET (Renewable Energy Target)
- does NOT cost taxpayers anything!1,2
yet because of it the solar industry now
- in 2012 employed more Australians than coal product, oil & gas extraction COMBINED3
And that the Abbott Government’s OWN modelling shows that
- keeping the RET will LOWER electricity prices 4
and that according to the Clean Energy Council
- of all the RET Review submissions 99.5% favoured keeping or increasing the RET! 5
So why on Earth would anyone want to get rid of it?
Read the full pamphlet, including how removing the RET will help accelerate the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.
For those outside the Bathurst/Orange region, please download and edit the source file, produced with the freely available Scribus Desk Top Publishing (DTP) program,6
and export directly to pdf for printing and distributing.
- 1. The RET is a subsidy paid by consumers but the panel’s OWN modelling shows consumers get their money back because the RET keeps wholesale prices low, and that the long term impact is BENEFICIAL.
- 2. Government modelling shows power prices will fall if RET stays
- 3. “In 2012, Solar employed more Australians than oil and gas extraction, gas supply and petroleum and coal product manufacturing combined” [solar.org.au; Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics, Energy in Australia 2013]
- 4. Government modelling shows power prices will fall if RET stays
- 5. RET Review Submissions – How The Numbers Stack Up
- 6. “Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux, BSD UNIX, Solaris, OpenIndiana, GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, and Windows desktops with a combination of press-ready output and new approaches to page design.
Underneath a modern and user-friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.”