The end of the American century

Well, there goes the American century. Donald Trump has pulled out of the Paris agreement, where the countries of the world promised to take action on climate change before it’s too late. That’s 195 countries. That represents just about every country on this little blue planet. It includes the big guns – China and India…

BCCAN submission on Bylong Coal project

The following is BCCAN’s submission to the Planning Assessment Commission on the Bylong Coal Project   Written and submitted by Tracey Carpenter Bathurst Community Climate Action Network, as a volunteer based community group working since 2007 in this region for improved climate change policies and to lower our contribution to atmospheric pollution, opposes the proposed…

River yarners patterns

A spin-off from the Don’t Mine the Macquarie campaign is the existence of the River Yarners, who are creating a long woolly representation of the Macquarie River. If you’d like to join in, the group meets at Rahamim most Fridays, 2pm to 4pm to yarn and craft together. If you’d like to add an animal…


BCCAN supports Stop Adani movement

BCCAN joined the fight against the giant new Adani coal mine with a film night and discussion at Rahamim on Tuesday May 9. We watched Guarding the Galilee and discussed the range of negative implications of this project: a disaster for the Barrier Reef, for local farmers, for traditional owners. “Nobody benefits from this other…

Students strike for climate Action Bathurst Sep 20, 2019


Bathurst Community Climate Action Network has been working on a local response to a global challenge since 2007. We’re active in a range of areas, from food security and protection of biodiversity, to promoting renewable energy and campaigning against fossil fuels. We have a regular stall at the Bathurst Farmers Markets – come over and…