McPhillamys Gold Mine Project, submission guide

The Belubula Headwaters Protection Group has produced a draft submission guide on the McPhillamys Gold Mine Project (Kings Plains) for concerned residents and environmentalists. It is a PDF document available for download here.  Submissions close on October 24, 2019 and can be made directly via this portal:

Destination Pagoda

Petition to support Destination Pagoda

Destination Pagoda proposes a world class tourism and conservation reserve on Lithgow’s doorstep. A new reserve, called the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area, will complete Myles Dunphy’s visionary 1932 Blue Mountains National Park scheme. A key design element of Destination Pagoda is the creation of low-key visitor opportunities close to Lithgow beside upgraded existing…

Survey explores energy efficiency issues for non-profit organisations

Researchers from Charles Sturt University are inviting people to complete a survey on Sustainability issues for Regional Cooperatives and not-for-profit organisations. Participating involves completing an online survey that includes demographic questions and a hypothetical scenario task involving investment fund allocation. For more information on what participating in this study will involve, please see the information…

Heavy burden by Josephine Jackson

The cry of the earth

TEXT by ADRIAN RINGBAUER IMAGE & CAPTION by JOSEPHINE JACKSON I have a vision that the world is a place people listen to the cry of the earth.    “Climate change” is no longer change. It is catastrophe. This is no longer something we can push to the side like it has been for the…

BCCAN opposes expansion to Moolarben coal mine

BCCAN has today sent an objection to the NSW Independent Planning Commission regarding the proposed expansion of the Moolarben coal mine. This is the text of our submission: NSW Government Independent Planning Commission Level 3, 201 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000   Dear Commissioners, RE: Moolarben Coal Operations Stage 1 Mod 14, Stage 2 Mod…

Residents defend the Belubula Headwaters

A group of residents at Kings Plains between Bathurst and Blayney is asking questions of the proposed Regis McPhillamy gold mine. Will the headwaters of the Belubula River be safe? You can find here (download PDF) the minutes of the Community Consultative meeting run by Regis which has community stakeholders on board, asking questions. Information from…